Perform an augmentation
Here you can use the augmentation tokens you collected to modify bold-faced parts of in-game text. Changes you make will be visible to all players immediately. Note that all actions performed here cannot be undone, and any spent tokens will not be refunded.
You can only attempt one augmentation at the same time. Do not open this page in multiple tabs.

Augmentation in progress
Please enter bepis. Maximum of bepis characters.

Are you a robot?
Please verify that you're human before you begin augmenting.
This is to prevent bots and other automated tools from continuously setting their own phrases, taking all the fun away from human players.

Thank you!
Augmentation performed successfully. From now on, someone, somewhere, might see the phrase you entered in the game.

Augmentations are not available to you right now.
Maybe you should try playing the game first?
Go to the world map and start your journey!